How to embed a #jedidesk widget in WordPress

An open source site management system that is widely used for creating websites due to its ease of installation and use

  1. Create a #jedidesk widget and copy the generated code.

  2. Log in as an administrator on your WordPress site or WooCommerce online store.

  3. Open the Appearance -> Theme File Editor tab.

  4. Select the one you are using from the list of installed themes and click on the Theme Footer template called footer.php.

  5. Paste the chat code #jedidesk before the </body> tag and click Update File:

Supplements and additional methods

  1. Most themes have a special place to insert additional code for analytics or other scripts. First, it is recommended to look for such a place in your topic.

  2. If you can't find the footer.php file, you can similarly insert the widget code into the header.php (Theme Header) file before the opening </body> tag.

Last updated